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20.06.2022, Southampton, UK: The first Southern Landlord Show has taken place in central Southampton and was declared ‘a resounding success’ by sponsor, Charters, the leading south-east residential lettings and sales agent.
The inaugural event, devised exclusively to support and inform the region’s landlords, was held at Charters’ prestigious property showroom on The Avenue and its overwhelming response paves the way for future landlord events to be held regularly.
Landlords with established property portfolios joined prospective landlords thinking of renting property for the first time and met professionals from across the private rented sector to get advice and explore new trends and opportunities in the lettings market.
‘We’re delighted with the numbers of landlords who have come along to the first Southern Landlord Show,’ said Suzanne Diamond, Charters Lettings Director. ‘Bringing so many property professionals with such unrivalled expertise together at one event was hugely beneficial to our guests on the day.
‘Hot topics were landlord legal and tax affairs, fully managed services, rent guarantee insurance and how to make a rental property accessible for those living with disabilities. The feedback from the landlords who joined us was that the show was a resounding success and many were interested in attending future events.’
If you’d like to find out more about Charters Lettings’ services for landlords, please visit chartersestateagents.co.uk/landlords.
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