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Our Green Charter explains the steps we have already taken to reduce our carbon footprint and sets out the steps for our future plans to help us become carbon neutral.



  1. making or resulting in no net release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, especially as a result of carbon offsetting.

We have pledged to plant a new tree every time a we exchange on a sales property and when our lettings teams move in new tenants, through our network of nine offices across Hampshire and Surrey. To date, we have planted over 4,500 trees.

We are committed to using, and changing to Green Suppliers for all our operational requirements. This includes switching to green energy suppliers and committing to using less energy where possible.

Our company cars are all becoming electric, and those with a car allowance will be incentivised to select an electric car over a conventional model. We are also trying to travel less and use more energy by utilising our virtual viewing options for customers.

We have recycling points in each of our offices, encouraging the correct protocols are followed when disposing of waste.

We have a ‘Paperless pledge’ which is something we are focused heavily on. We no longer print sales or lettings brochures for customers unless requested and we send them the property particulars in an electronic format direct to their phone, tablet or PC. When using printed marketing collateral, we use recycled stock.

We also replaced traditional business cards for new electronic, environmentally-friendly business cards – it means we never have to get these printed and merely make any changes to the contact details over the internet.

These are just a few steps we are taking to do our bit.

We know that climate changed has become a critical topic in recent years and it’s clear that we, as human beings, are adding to the strain on our precious planet.

Unless there is a shift in mentality and a commitment to reverse some of the damage already done and take steps to prevent future destruction, things will only get worse.

We are taking a stand, along with other businesses around the UK and the world.