Complaints Procedure

In order to maintain a high level of service for our customers we endeavour to handle all complaints swiftly, in accordance with our internal complaint’s procedure. Our customers are important to us, and we believe you have the right to a fair and courteous service at all times.

Please be assured that, once in receipt of your complaint, we will deal with it promptly, effectively and in a positive manner, as set out below. Should we prove unable to resolve the matter internally, to your satisfaction, you may wish to refer the matter to The Property Redress Scheme, the consumer redress scheme to which we subscribe. However, before such action is taken, we are required to attempt to resolve the matter internally, following the procedure set out below:

  1.  All complaints must be submitted, in writing to the Branch Partner (Sales) or Branch Lettings manager concerned, or the relevant department head.
  2. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 working
  3. We will then investigate your complaint before providing you with a full written response within I 0 working days of the acknowledgement. If we are unable to resolve the matter within 10 working days, we will provide you with reasons why we could not meet this timeframe and provide you with an estimate of when a full response will be received.
  4. If you remain dissatisfied, you must let us know within I O working days of receiving our full written response. The matter will be referred to our Head Office, where it will be dealt with by your branch Manager, Group HR & Operations Director, from this point You will receive our final response within 8 weeks of the date of your formal written complaint.
  5. Should we fail to resolve matters to your satisfaction within 8 weeks, you can contact the Property Redress Scheme (PRS) to ask them to investigate your complaint, but you must do so within 6 months of the date of our final response letter.

Useful Contact Details:

Elliott Trodd
(Sales Managing Director) Charters Estate Agents
I 3 Oakmount Road Chandlers Ford Southampton
S052 2LG
Tel: 0 1962 830880

Suzanne Diamond MARLA (Lettings Managing Director) Charters Estate Agents
I 3 Oakmount Road Chandlers Ford Southampton
S052 2LG
Tel: 02382 358580

The Property Redress Scheme l<ingmaker House
Station Road Barnet
Tel: 0333 321 9418

Email: Email:      Email: