Plot 158, The Himley is a delightful two bedroom home that’s built in a modern style over two floors with spacious accommodation throughout. The ground floor offers a superb open-plan kitchen and dining room with a substantial living room that has French doors leading out onto the garden. Upstairs, two generously proportioned bedrooms and a family bathroom complete The Himley’s interior.
Disclaimer: The external image is a CGI and other images are indicative of the homes and the area.
The Development
North Stoneham Park is steeped in a rich history that dates back to its roots as a Saxon estate in the Middle Ages. Today, this ancient parkland is being brought back to life in the form of a vibrant new community that will provide homes, sporting and leisure facilities, a school, nursery, office building and retail centre, all set among lush green open spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Charters Chandlers Ford
Charters Estate Agents Chandlers Ford
13 Oakmount Road
Chandlers Ford
SO53 2LG